
Thank you for visiting my blog, this is mostly about me and my cycling as you can probably guess from the title, but hopefully it will provide a bit more than just that and be thoroughly entertaining too.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Totes Amazeballs

Sorry lads and lasses, but I couldn't think of a better title and what with me being such a regular blogger now I thought it would be best to begin titling my posts and give readers the intial scope of the subsequent post and these past few days have been certainly 'totes amazeballs'. This is because surprisingly I have been offered a place on the John Ibbotson Fund as a fully-funded rider to ride in for a Breton team and live out in Brittany for 8 months; from the beginning of February to the end of September. Firstly I would just like to say that this is a massive honour for me on so many different levels that I was even considered to become part of the John Ibbotson Fund let alone chosen is amazing without even ackknowledging the fact that I must have been chosen ahead of a good many young riders is big privilege and a huge estimation of my abilities currently and in the future. Quite how big a deal it is probably won't hit till later, but nonetheless, when you are going to be mentored by Daniel Lloyd no less it is hard not to be struck by the magnitude of what this could mean for me in the very near future.

Secondly come the thank yous; to my team Aprire Bicycles and the good work Phil Dempsey has been doing there without whom I would not have enjoyed quite the same level of success as I did, particuarly towards the end of the season. I wish the team all the best for next year where it seems they are going to be competing on a truly national stage and it's sad that I won't be able to always be there to help conquer with them. However I will be associated with the team and will ride for them when I can when I'm back in Blighty.

Another big thank you has to be given to all those people who have offered me plenty of advice throughout the season and who want to see me really go far such as Stephen Skuse and Reg Smith. Included in this should also be my family; for the financial support of my Mum and Dad as much as moral, without both of whom it would have been even more difficult to make such a success of this season. Then there is my Nan, who deserves her thank you for having to deal with me on a daily basis and take me everywhere. I must also thank Verity who made my leaving so much easier so as I could return to London from Swansea and race, always supporting...

Finally a massive thank you has to go to my competitors for making this season such a fun and successful one, I've made a hell of a lot of friends along the way this year and wish them all the success in the world (just at not my expense!) and there will be a part of me that misses lining up against Francis Cade and Luke Ryan seemingly every other day for a race. Gentlemen, it's been a privilege.

Now to tell you a little bit more about the John Ibbotson Fund and the great work they do. The fund was set up in 2005 in memory of John Ibbotson with the aim of helping talented young cyclists to follow their dreams and race in Europe. It is also to raise awareness of cardic abnormalities that may exist in a person who otherwise may seem perfectly fit and healthy, just like John was. Cardic screening is a very simple and cheap test and it would save lives like John's and if in less developed countries, like Hungary, where you have to go to Budapest to have a full medical before taking out a basic cycle racing license, then the question has to be asked why don't why? More definately needs to be done in this area so that people don't put unnesseceray stran on their hearts and are able to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. I will be an ambassador of the John Ibbotson Fund, spreading the message and being a successful cyclist at the same time.

Here is a link to the foundation's website, it is definately worthwhile reading and then hopefully you will find it even more worthwhile to donate to such an important cause. http://johnibbotsonfund.com/

I will tell you more about the situation with the John Ibbotson Fund in due course, there are still a few details yet to be finalised and I wouldn't want to spoil any surprises.

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